Okay, so that might sound a little dramatic... I was hoping to catch my own attention with that lead in!
Are you a procrastinator about anything? OR are you one of those people who just do each thing as it comes along and TA DAAA, it is all done and you never need to make a list?( this is a photo of me and my buddy Danny at the Faith and Sharing Retreat this summer, we did a spoof on AXE Body Spray!)
Pfffft! If you never need to make a list I need your cheat sheet! I find that sleeping comes easiest when I have a pen and paper near to my bed, so if I wake in the night with 'things' in my head, I can write them down, then I can sleep...for real.(this one is a photo of a small portion of the people who came to our housewarming a few weeks ago,we all wore crazy hats...I have a few! The party hosted about 70 ppl for which myself and Wayne did all of the food for, and I organized and we decorated, but Sue helped to decorate too!)
One of the things I have noticed in my post 30's portion of life, (yeah some of you can quit snickering now... you don't have a lot of room to snicker about!) that the only reason I ever feel BORED, is when I am procrastinating about doing something I don't really want to do.( Me and Manu getting some things organized for the party in the parking lot, many hands make light work, it is true...time for procrastination? NOT!)
Example #1:
There is a 5' x 5' storage unit up town that really needs my attention.... you will note that it is ONLY 5 little tiny feet by 5 more tiny little feet, sigh. May as well be 25 x 25 for the volume of brainspace it consumes. I have known more than one compulsive task master in my time ( you know who you are!) but as much as I wished for a tiny bit of it to rub off onto me...it never did. What the heck is that all about anyway?
Once those 'little' things are done that I don't really want to do, I am on easy street. Did I just say that? in my outside voice? Easy street?! Oy, where did that come from?
(this photo is of me making a MILLION tuxedo strawberries for a bbq in McLeary Washington last week... such a lazy bum!)
A few months ago, I was feeling a little ripped off by the circumstances in my life. I told a dear and wise friend about it, she chuckled and said, "Where in the world did you ever get the idea that your feet were supposed to land squarely on the ground and stay there for any amount of time!?" Okay, so she caused me to stop and think a little bit. It was good.
Another time I was asking God if I could just have a boring life for a day. Ya wanna guess what happened? Sheesh! Yup...it all cranked up... suppose the life I had been living up to that point HAD been the boring life... at least the one I was being allotted? Heaven forbid the people whose boring lives are more up in the air and wild than mine... who could stand it?(in this one I was at my dear, dear sistah-frenn's house and she had a hankering for cinnamon buns, so I whipped up a couple dozen...slackah!)
My thought life alone would do many people in! I have mentioned before that you do not even want to know how my mind twists and weaves and whirls and soars. NOT KIDDING!
It is all I know, so I am comfortable with it....
Interesting sidebar: Today, a friend/co-worker witnessed one of my very quick ( and funny I might add!) comebacks to a potentially less than wonderful moment in the office. She told me that she is always impressed with my speed of quick and usually quite uplifting remarks, she wishes she could be so quick thinking. My comment, and comfort, to her was, "But along with that 'gift' comes a whole pile of other things that you do NOT even want to know about! It is a package deal...sort of like when you get the family mansion but have to take the crazy old aunt and her 47 cats with it."
There is a reason why there is a saying something like, "Be careful what you wish for, you might actually get it."
On that note, I think I have successfully procrastinated my way to the "too late for tonight" portion of the list I am avoiding.
Whew, I was almost tempted to do something I don't want to in order to prevent another procrastination self-flagelation session. Got out of that just in time....think I will go watch a movie now.
NOTE: you must realize, if you have read any of my other stuff, that I can be a total hambone? I do struggle with procrastination in some areas, but I also have picked up a trick or two from the amazing "DOERS" in my life.
(Me finishing the decoration of the converted little boys room to HOCKEY ROOM>>>>just for love!)
Thanks friends, I am always able to learn valuable lessons from you and through you when I am willing. I love all of the opportunities I have to participate with you.... guess what... that storage unit? It doesn't have an expiry date! Whew!