Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Glorious Day...even with sandy eyes!

Catchy title isn't it?

The summary is that I have been on high alert for 2 days waiting for the arrival of my 2 new grandbaby boys, as far as I know who will be named Anthony Roger and Micah Gabriel.

My sleep is not whelming over me as I would desire at a time such as this...this being the post arrival time.

The boys entered this wild and crazy world that we live in sometime after midnight. My poor gurlio Julia was so exhausted when I talked to her at 3 something dark a.m. that I only got the essential details. Imagine that! (smirking!)

My g'bb's both weigh 5 lbs 8 oz! How is that for fantastic? I am so excited, huh! Wonder if that is what is keeping my weary bleary sandy eyes from slumber?

At some point in the decent hours of the day Julia and Thomas will send me pictures of the newest in our DNA line. I look forward to that more than I can put into mere words. I have talked to 2 of my closest people, one of whom did not mind me waking him up and the other whom is across the globe and was sort of maybe thinking about preparing for a nights slumber herself.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the safe arrival of my g'bb's. Thank you also for being able to connect with someone at oh dark thirty . Thank you for sleep, and the speedy healing of my beautiful daughter's amazing body whom you enabled to nurture and deliver 2 beautiful little people. You are the most incredible phenomenon this world will ever know. Hallelujah.... Amen.

Okay Beloved, I will once more (3rd time!) try to encourage slumber before my trusty alarm goes off in less than 2 hrs. I will take all I can get!

Blessings and rest assured....there will be more... and photos :)

G'ma Rebes xo


  1. I forgot to mention that the first baby arrived naturally and the second baby arrived via C section... thus my girl is very sore...but very happy!

  2. G'ma Rebes... thanks for waking me up at O-DARK-THIRTY with the great news!!! It is simply a miracle... conception, birth, life... such an amazing testament to the Creator of how truly amzing His Creation(s) is/are... reminds me of the words of a Matthew West song called "I know you're there" where it says I had a science teacher who tried to make me a believer that evolution made the earth but I can't give a big bang credit for this whole thing. Life is too beautiful to be true... it's just like a child... a newborn baby, there are no two the same... tiny toes, finger prints... and with that I rest my case!
    Even with twins, there are no two the same! Life is beautiful and I welcome lil Anthony Roger and Micah Gabriel into this world!

    I am looking forward to the pictures!

    Wayne... G'pa Beaners

  3. Congratulations Gramma....and grampa of course. Love your blog by the way....always good for a fall off the chair....knee slapping laugh.

  4. So excited for the grands and the great grands. Soooooooo excited for my tiny little Julia who I held when she was a baby. Amazing now she's holding hers. Can't wait to see more pics and can't wait for you to get there and get your cuddles g'ma. I know there will be plenty of cuddles for the boys but can you give Julz one from me. I know she'll be tired and hurting but praise God that she is young and will heal quickly. Thoughts and prayers with you and yours! Mere

  5. Hey Sis, Thanks for the posts. So glad everything and everybody is doing so well. Love you and my Whole family so much. :)

  6. So happy to hear the news.
    Enjoy every precious moment!

  7. sigh...sigh...(double!) is beautiful and this is pure evidence of it. congratulations gramma-gramma, I am so excited for you. Been shopping yet? LOL. Keep us posted; I'm always looking for photos. lots of love to you from across the great big ocean. love-you-not-yet-a-gramma-babe

  8. oh my! oh my! oh-dark-thirty is now my fav time of day/night with those little miracles being born during the dark & thirty-ish night. So beyond words to express our emotions, with so much LOVE and more LOVE flowing out, in, around each heart. I Praise Him forever, for His Love & Blessings for generations of our families <3<3
    From Mumma aka Great Gramma Stanny <3<3<3
