Monday, February 14, 2011

a quick little chuckle

Considering the fact that I am supposed to be doing 3 other things right now, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to post a chuckle. I am far overdue, but hey.... we all know that boredom is not a word in my vocabulary!

It all began with a trip to see the bb's.

My budget is a little squeeky these days, so in order to stretch it I park my car in the 'free' parking area at Duke Point. Anyone familiar with the area knows that it is a little stroll to enter the ferry term
inal after you park your vehicle in 'free parking'.
No problem! There had not been an opportunity for me to do the park and ride before so I left lots of time to arrive, park, walk and purchase my ticket.

Certain areas of my life have an obsessive control component to them. Timing things is one of them. So I timed the walk. Dumb s
hoes and a little carry on with wheels dragging behind me...19 minutes. Not too bad :-)

My weekend was wonderful, family time is always worth the effort for me. Toss in a couple scrumpdillyicious bb boys and voila! Brilliant!

A very significant part of this weekend is that I also successfully navigated the Vancouver
transit/rapid transit system, from and back to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal. ALL BY MYSELF. LOL, too funny, I feel like a big girl now!

The trip back was delayed due to high winds, the Shwartz Bay ferry was delayed over an hour, hence our ferry delayed due to their delay due to weather due to the hand of God.... yeah I was just trying to see
how many times I could put the word 'due' in there.... it is starting to sound weird to me..... due due due due due due due... Okay! I am back...

When we arrived at Duke Point it was 10:35 p.m. I looked at the clock and said out loud,"okay, it took me 19 minutes to walk here in dumb shoes hauling this crazy little wheeled bag. Today I am wea
ring good shoes and I am motivated to get home. I will do it in less than 15 minutes."

Hmmmm, are you starting to grin already? You should be, this will crack you up! The initial break from the pack was extraordin
ary, I can't be sure but I think I may have overheard one woman say she wondered if I was a professional speed walker ????? Olympian left over? Crazy woman on a mission more like it!

8,9, 10, 12 minutes... excellent, I was making fabulous time. There was a strong wind, but with my level of determination, I bare
ly noticed. One thing I did notice was that the road seemed to be extra rough, which was creating more drag than on the trip over. Oh well, keep movin', doin' great! Wait a minute, this is really dragging, I must have a rock caught in one of those stupid little tiny wheels designed for posh airport flooring. (Do the designers think that all of us travel by air???)

I pulled over (haha!) and had a look at the wheels. OH NOOOOOOOOO!

You know all those massive treads that we see on the sides of the highway? Hunks of rubber scattered all over from retreads blowing apart as semi-trucks blast across the map? Guess what? I blew a wheel!
Can you believe it? I was competing for my own best time and I blew a wheel! Now I know how athletes feel when their bike crashes or their ankle twists.... NOT!
For crying out loud!My determination was greater than my lack of motion, so I kept dragging for a few feet. How ridiculous. I could see my car, just up ahead, but not close enough for my keyless remote to light it up! yeah, another little game I play....ya wanna go on a road trip with me? It's pretty fun!
The moment of truth presented itself, ditch and run in order to maintain my best time, or persevere and haul the bag slowly behind me.
I plopped the bag behind another vehicle, ran up to my car, hopped in, whipped down to where I stashed the disabled wheely bag, hopped out, tossed it into the back...check the clock....ARG.

Oh well, next time! Hey, I am looking for a new wheely bag...any recommendations for sturdy wheels? I will be making this trip at least monthly for awhile and really have a challenge packing lightly so need good wheels!

Almost forgot to share my time....
19 minutes!

No shame in that...but next time I will blow the record out of the water...just sayin'!


  1. I have no idea why, but when I reread my post, it has HUGE spaces between sentences at the end.... sorry about that? no clue why, it doesn't on the page I write on..... weird! another blog topic maybe?!! Happy Day!

  2. YAY !! After waiting patiently, (chomp chomp)the blog has arrived !! The photo of Nanny & bbs is the best of 100s or 1000s taken since Nov 24, 2010 :) The photos of the wheelie wheels is calendar quality !! You truly are a professional re: independent travel from Tswassen to Surrey !! Forever Love from Mumma <3

  3. Personally I think you are a nut bar...but I love ya anyway! and now a Rebes quote...takes one to know one...yes Rebes it does!
