Monday, April 19, 2010

NO Photos Please

Okay, not putting any photos here..... the topic is doggy-doo-bags.

What is it about a doggy-doo-bag that makes it so socially acceptable? I was driving down the road this morning when I saw my friend walking with her dog. As I rolled down my window to shout a greeting, I noticed movement near her right hand....the leash was in the left know what is coming right?

She gives me a big smile and a wave...with her RIGHT hand. The same hand that is holding the full doggy-doo-bag. I had to laugh, it is so wrong, but what else do you do in that situation? It happens all the time, I see it everywhere.

Poor dogs, not only do they have to do their business in front of the world, if they are on a leash or walking in a public area, but they get the added humiliation of having their "leavings" hung around their neck, or tied to their leash, I have seen a few carrying the bag in their teeth, the walkers often have the bag swinging freely in their hand as though it is a bag of fruit from the market. Oy!

While saying all this, I am very aware of the disastrous elements we would be dodging if nobody picked up after their dogs. I am most grateful for that. But seriously, can we come up with a better method of transport, display and disposal?

Maybe not..... Oh my goodness, what a thought swirl so early in the morning.

Did I mention that we only have fish for pets? There is a reason for that!

Happy Day!


  1. There are nicer ways to carry the doggy-do-do. Aw, what the heck, poop. Porsha has a very stylish handbag which holds a roll of lovely purple or pink (depending what she's wearing that day) scented...YES SCENTED doggy poopie bags. So you see, when WE are out walking the contents aren't visable through these lovely bags, and the lovely lavender or rose scent masks any telltale evidence what might be in the bag. One might have just stopped at a lovely doggy boutique and made a small purchase.

    As for the owners that carry the droppings in a grocery bag or worse still, tie it around their poor dog's neck. Bad business that! If I were a dog and got poop hung around my neck or was made to carry the bag in my mouth.....I'd rebel and not poop when I was out walking with my owner......I'd wait until I came home and deposit it right in the middle of their bed!

  2. Yvonne, I am falling off the chair reading this to Ron. His response: "that wouldn't be a very well trained dog." Too logical :) I can't imagine anyone making their dog carry their poop bag in their mouth. How outrageous! Rebes, I think it is hilarious that your friend waved with the poop bag hand :) How instinctive is that?! Note the root word: stinc
    hahahahaha!! Remember I love you forever!!! <3<3
