Thursday, April 15, 2010

Victory in Battle (with tongue in cheek!)

What a crumby day.

I have just come through one of the most heated battles of my existence. The enemy was easily recognized, the weapons were strewn on the field. Smoke has dissipated from the area where the attack took place. Evidence of an aggressive motion could be seen across the plain. Battle scars and debris were plentiful. You may recognize the war I am describing, it happens every day all across this country.

Though not often enough.

If we confronted this passive aggr
essor more frequently, the scars would be minimal. Although, the thrill of victory would be lessened. There is something about the adrenaline that courses through your veins, in knowing you have conquered one of the least noticed, yet most persistent enemies of our time. It is not known to me at this time how many support groups are active in regard to this scourge. I may start one myself after this last round of attacks. Not sure how many more times I will be able to withstand this alone. We all need to band together, rise up and face this evil villain. I say, "NO MORE"!

I have attached a few photos of the afte
rmath. If you are sensitive to this type of thing, you may want to cover your eyes. This needs to be addressed. Seriously! ;-)

Photos taken after clearing the field

note that the crumb catcher is free from debris!
Pre-battle weapon preparation display....
Please note: this machine was unplugged prior to the attack!

Cleaning the crumbs out of the toaster has to be one of the most brutal jobs I have ever undertaken!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! A very serious undertaking!! Congrats on crumming through this exercise unscathed :)XXOO<3<3
