Thursday, November 5, 2009

The gift of a Glorious Afternoon at the Spit

So I did get to the beach, oh it was brilliant! I took a few photos out at the Goose Spit. Me and Jesus have some amazing conversations while I am there, particularly on crazy storm days like today. Life is so amazing... every day. Even though some days are so difficult, my faith in God keeps me grounded.... and when I am not grounded, He helps me get grounded. Phew, I am never alone. Thank you God for that. Freedom to believe in a glorious country on this incredible island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. Casting Crowns sings a song , " Praise you in this storm" It covers a multitude of storms. Good thing, because like every storm in nature, the storms that we face are just as unique. I am so grateful for being able to go to the beach, yell, sing, cry, laugh, breathe, watch, listen, be. That is a gift.

1 comment:

  1. I recognize the"bird" in the forth pic:) Seriously, did you take the pic of the gull on the log with the waves? Awesome!
